Sunday, 13 November 2011

Before the Test

I just finished studying for tomorrow's exam and I actually think it's funny. This post will not be directly on a subkect we learned in class, but in a method of study. 

I was never someone who liked to study. Actually, the first time I really studied is when I was 15 after I failed a biology class. Even though I loved this course, I was allergic to opening my books. This was until I failed more than one test and got a really bad mark for my whole semester. I forced myself in doing so, having no other choice. I drew the parts of the body and wrote and wrote and wrote until I knew the subject really well. It worked, I had a very good result on my tests later. Still, other than biology, I never felt the need to study.

University is then a big change in the way I approach things. I study, maybe sometimes a little last minute, but it is never as worst as in Cegep. I also write good essays, which is surprising coming from me. I'm not a bad writer, but I was lazy before. Now, I spend more time for school than anything else. But let's say that I dont work and its the first time it happens. I'm work sick and I have good reasons to be. I promised myself I wouldn't work while at university. I have all my life to work after. 

Now I have to find tips and tricks for studying. I wrote down over and over what I remember from my study sheet. I do that until I memorize everything. The funny part is how I memorize the words or names I don't know. I made links between things to be able to remember easily. Sometimes it makes no sense at all, but I still think it's very funny and I hope I will remember all of this tomorrow. 

So here are a few examples. I also notice it is useful to speak more than one language for that. 

  • Georg GISZE makes me think of Gisele, my mother's name.
  • Hans Holbein didn't have panels
  • Rogier van der Weyden = Jar Jar Binks. Yes! Jar Jar Binks! Weyden = Dayden. Den = day in slovakian so then Dayday = jour jour in french, then ... Jar Jar! Easy! 
  • All places are Santa Maria
  • Dürer love himself, and ugly doctors
  • Sfumato: Fumer des tomates. I'm laughing at this one and my cat is staring at me with eyes that says: ''Ok, time to leave NOW!''
  • Brancacci = brankar which means goaler in slovakian. 

I hope I will be alright for my exam and I hope I wont make stupid mistakes or mixing words I learned from what words really are! 

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