Sunday 13 November 2011

After the Test

This week I wrote an entry about my future exam, now I will write about my past exam. 

The exam went well, but I didn't have the mark I hoped I would. I made stupid mistakes as not writing Florence twice. I also have problem explaining things. Well, I know I wouldn't be good as a teacher. 

I said I had links to remember words or important information. We did a group study just before the exam and we mixed our links to create new ones. It was very funny and it made absolutely no sense. 

Mary Anne came up with Ambassadors: Ass adore, adoring ass 
We had different ideas with Vellum. I said Vallorum (Star Wars again) Mary Anne saif Venom (closer to the real word) and I can't remember what Linsday said.
I finally made a sentence with some of these: ''We are adoring Jar Jar Bink's ass while smoking tomatoes''. This cannot be translated I think! 

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