Here is just a small blog post about something I noticed while watching Titanic.
I tried to make a screen capture of the scene but the program didn't allow it, so no picture will be shown to prove my point. You will have to watch Titanic again (yes again, who has never watched Titanic?)
Ok , description of the scene:
Right after she boarded the ship, Rose unpacked her belongings. We see her unpacking several paintings.
What the paintings are:
Les Demoiselles D'Avigon by Picasso or I should say, according to wikipedia Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.
This name might be quite complicated to fit on a driver's licence.
Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler by Picasso (I'm not sue about this one, I brought the movie back to the video club, so I cant verify, but it looked like a portrait)
And one that seems like on of the Water Lilies by Monet. ( I just saw picture of him and even though I didn't have a preconceived idea about what this man did look like, I didn't expected him to look like this)
The biggest mistake is:
The ship sank, these paintings are then gone forever! No one would have had those in their collection now and we wouldn't be there to ''worship'' them. Also, the Picasso's painting would never have been known has they were created not so long before 1912.
I know the movie wanted to bring back historical facts about this time but still, I thought it was funny to see this.
Another thing that bothers me: Was Les Demoiselles d'Avignon not known in Europe in 1912? I'm not sure about this fact, but I know it got out in France in the 1920's, so sure, the painting couldn't have sunk with the ship.
Years ago, this is not something I would have notice, at all. I had modern art history classes this semester that allowed me to think about it more when I saw the paintings in the movie.
Now the real question is:
Why did I spent 3 hours of my time to watch Titanic after so many years?
Journal entry written on Saturday, Decembrr 3rd
Its colder in Decembrr then in December. I bet I'm not the only one who noticed that.
I would fix up spelling errors, typos, etc. You have good points. The film is an embarrassment to Ireland. The captain should of had more respect for the lives of everyone on board.